New inform on Migration and development cooperation
The newly released EMN inform on 'Migration and development cooperation' examines national initiatives in EMN Member Countries and Serbia that implement the migration-development nexus, at strategic and operational/programme level.
The Annual report on migration and asylum 2023 has just been released (together with Inform, Flash and the Statistical Annex)
The European Migration Network has published the Annual report on migration and asylum 2023.
New inform on labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine
The new European Migration Network (EMN) inform focuses on the labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine across EMN Member and Observer countries. This inform offers an analysis of employment trends, policy priorities, and measures aimed at facilitating the integration of displaced individuals from Ukraine into host countries' labour markets.
New inform on Family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection
The European Migration Network has published new inform on Family reunification for beneficiaries of international protection. From application procedures to timelines, this publication offers an overview of the different approaches to family reunification for applicants for international protection, on the 20th anniversary of the EU Directive governing this issue.
New inform on Digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits issued to third-country nationals
EMN has just published new inform on Digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits issued to third-country nationals. This document provides an in-depth analysis on the challenges and advantages in adopting digital-only immigration procedures within 23 EMN Member States and two Observer Countries, namely Georgia and Ukraine.
Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022 (National Contribution of the Czech Republic)
The National Contact Point of the European Migration Network in the Czech Republic has published the Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2022 in the Czech language.
The most important development in migration and asylum area in the Czech Republic in 2022 is out = Country Factsheet 2022
Summary of the main changes in migration and asylum area in the Czech Republic for the year 2022, so called Country Factsheet is out.
EMN Annual Report 2022 (with flash and inform)
The European Migration Network has published the EMN Annual Report 2022.
New inform on Displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation
EMN has just published new inform on Displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation. This inform aims to complement existing research by providing a broader perspective on how displacement and migration related to disasters, climate change and environmental degradation are being addressed by key national-level initiatives and policies in EMN Member Countries as well as non-EU OECD countries.
EMN seminar on the introduction of the new legislation on the entry and residence of foreigners
In the context of the preparation of the new legislation on the entry and residence of foreigners and the forthcoming digitisation of the residence agenda, the European Migration Network is organising a seminar to present the main changes brought by this legislation.
National contribution to the study on The Integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market
The Czech national contact point of the European Migration Network has published its national contribution to the EMN study on the Integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market.
New inform on Prospects for displaced persons in non-EU first reception and transit countries
EMN has just published new inform on Prospects for displaced persons in non-EU first reception and transit countries. The inform aims to provide an overview of the strategies and initiatives put in place by the EMN Member Countries to enhance the prospects for displaced persons in non-EU first reception and transit countries, and to identify good practices that could serve as a starting point to further develop or improve sustainable support initiatives.
EMN Youth Day
On 16 November, the European Migration Network Youth Day will take place at the Ministry of the Interior. This is an interactive workshop where selected university students will lead a joint discussion on migration issues. The programme will also include a presentation of the new migration education tool "Destination Europe", which students will have the opportunity to try out.
Scale-up Europe
Representative of Scale-up Europe spoke at the EMN Conference and presented a report which summarizes recommendations from the subgroups who worked in the frame of the Scale-Up Europe Talent initiative. They are addressed to the European Union and to local levels. Their purpose is to make Europe the land of Tech talents.
European Migration Network Presidency Conference
On 5 and 6 October, the European Migration Network is organising an international conference on labour migration in the context of the Czech EU Presidency. You can follow this conference online using the link in the article.
Expansion of the Info Package on Third‑Country National Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings: Detection, Identification and Protection
The European Migration Network has published new documents on Third‑Country National Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings: Detection, Identification and Protection
Ukraine: brief information on the most relevant migration developments
We have published brief and concise overview regarding Ukrainian refugees and their arrival in the Czech Republic.
Expansion of the Info Package on Children in Migration
The European Migration Network has published new documents on Children in Migration.
New Inform on the Topic of The Use of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in Migration Management
The European Migration Network has published new inform on The Use of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in Migration Management. The report reflects on the impact of the use of online systems, both pre-existing and developed during 2020, paying particular attention to the impact COVID-19 has had on the use of technology and digital procedures.
National contribution to the EMN Study on Third-Country National Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings: Detection, Identification and Protection
The Czech Republic presents its national contribution to the EMN study focused on third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings and their detection, identification and protection.
EMN Day videoconference
On 11 June we celebrated the EMN Day.
The Annual Report on Migration & Asylum 2020 was launched during the EMN Day videoconference.
New inform on Exploring legal pathways to fulfil labour needs
The first of upcoming series of informs on Innovation in Migration is just out. This time with specific focus on Talent Partnership and other legal pathways for international protection seekers to labour market of the Member States as a potention respond to labour shortages.
The most important development in migration and asylum area in the Czech Republic in 2020 is out = Country Factsheet 2020
Summary of the main changes in migration and asylum area in the Czech Republic for the year 2020, so called Country Factsheet is out.
What is the EMN Glossary?
Our new video will eplain what is the EMN Glossary and what can be found there.
Overview of published Ad-Hoc Queries (January-April 2021)
Next overview of published Ad-Hoc Queries is out. There can be found Ad-Hoc Queries published by the EMN from January to April 2021 with respective hyperlinks to pdf files.
Overview of published Ad-Hoc Queries (December 2020 - January 2021)
The second overview of published Ad-Hoc Queries is out. There can be found Ad-Hoc Queries published by the EMN from December 2020 to January 2021 with respective hyperlinks to pdf files.
The Republic of Moldova joins the European Migration Network
In 12 March 2021, the Republic of Moldova joined the European Migration Network as observer. The working arrangement represents an important step towards reinforced cooperation in the areas of migration and asylum.
Georgia joins the European Migration Network
In March 2021, Georgia joined the European Migration Network as observer. The working arrangement represents an important step towards reinforced cooperation in the areas of migration and asylum.
Publication of full Info Package on Children in Migration and expert webinar on the topic
The EMN organized expert webinar on topic Children in Migration where were introduced recent EMN outputs on the topic.
Statistical Annex of the Quarterly Report on Migration (IV. 2020)
The ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic published the Statistical Annex of the Quarterly Report on Migration.
Overview of EMN Ad-Hoc queries (November-December 2020)
The EMN is going to publish an overview of Ad-Hoc queries which were published that month. The First one includes Ad-Hoc queries published from November to December 2020.
Info package to the EMN study called Accurate, timely, interoperable? Data management in the asylum procedure
The Czech Republic presents its national contribution to the EMN study called Accurate, timely, interoperable? Data management in the asylum procedure. The info package contains the national contribution and its summary in Czech.
33. EMN Bulletin just published
EMN just published the last edition of its Bulletin in 2020 (October-December) with the short summary (Flash).
Roundtable on EU labour migration policy - EMN, JRC and DG HOME
The first European Migration Network (EMN) Roundtable organised in collaboration with the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and DG HOME took place on 5 November 2020 in a virtual setting.
Roundtable on Sustainable migration from Africa to Europe
The European Migration Network (EMN) and EMN Norway organised an online Roundtable on Sustainable migration from Africa to Europe on 9 December 2020. It explored how to define and operationalise the concept of ‘sustainable migration’ by considering the whole-of-route approach from countries of origin to destination.
EMN Webinar: Young Migrants in Transtition to Adulthood
Already the second webinar organized on the topic of children in migration, this time highlighting the situation of minors, who are close to adulthood or those already adult. This change is a breaking point in their position with regards to their residence status.
National contribution to the EMN Study on Children in Migration
The Czech Republic presents its national contribution to the EMN study focused on children in migration.
New EMN and OECD inform on the impact of the COVID-19 on voluntary and forced returns
The last inform from the info-package of EMN-OECD on the impact of COVID-19 on the migration area.
National Contribution to the EMN Study on Responses to long-term irregularly staying migrants
The latest national contribution to the EMN study is out.